Town of Cuyler
Cortland County, NY
Code Enforcement Officer
Charles Ladd
(315) 400-2823
Building permits are required for all additions, remodeling and new builds as written by the NYS Division of Code Enforcement. Standard prices are based on square footage and are not negotiable. You must fill out your application completely, as delays may occur if all the information is not provided. Please do not wait until the last minute to obtain a permit, as this process takes 7 - 10 business days.
Some friendly reminders:
Pool Permits are required BEFORE installation
A minimum of one day advance notice is required for Inspections
Certificate of Occupancy must be requested when the project is complete
Unlicensed, unregistered, junk and dismantled vehicles on properties (unless in covered storage) is PROHIBITED by NYS ICC Code
You can find many of our Town Permits on this website under Resources.
If in doubt if you need a permit, call the Code Enforcement Officer. Fines will be assessed for projects were a permit was not obtained prior to the start of the project.