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There are several departments and organizations that serve and manage the Town of Cuyler. The elected officials are governed by the Town Board, while the Fire Department and Fire District are separate entities.  We have included their contact information on this site.

Other Community Organizations and contact information:

Cuyler Methodist Church

Main Street 

Cuyler, NY

Worship Hours:


cuyler church.jpg

Park & Pavilion

The Town Board is also responsible for the use of the Town Park that includes a covered pavilion, picnic tables, basketball court, soccer goals, charcoal grill, cooking fire pit, porta potty, outdoor lighting and a playground. It is free to use for Cuyler Residents and you must take everything that you brought in back out of the park. The park is open from 8:00 am - 9:00 pm. The playground was upgraded in 2022.

Some pictures of the Cuyler Town Park.

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